I was in New York and I was doing a concert there with Cyndi Lauper. This was after the show. There were some fans waiting outside behind the barricades. I was walking out towards the car and the security was ushering me towards it and the doors open. Right before I get to the car this woman really stealthily creeps into the car and sits in the passenger seat. She doesn’t even look at me, she just looks ahead, like “if I don’t look at him he won’t see me” [laughs]. I get into the car and I’m like “wait, who are you?” [laughs] And security comes to the other side really quick and says ‘ma’am you have to get out of the car please.’ And she just sits there again staring straight ahead and not saying anything as if they’re not going to see her if she doesn’t say anything. It was hilarious [chuckles]. She was going for it.
-Adam Lambert