"It was really exciting because it was an opportunity for me to talk to a group of kids that probably felt like I felt when I was a kid, which is a little out of place, kind of odd.. you know, by normal standards in public school. And I said to them, I said 'how many of you feel kind of like outsiders when you're in school?' and most of them raised their hands. And, you know, I tried as hard as I could to give them some hope, and some advice, I said 'you know, you've just gotta put your force fields up. This is the hardest part. When you get done with school, you're gonna be the type of person that people want to hang out around. You're going to be the person that brings hope and happiness to people's lives. So just have that faith inside. You don't need to rub it in anybody's face, you don't need to combat with that, just know, inside, that you're here for a reason. You're supposed to create art."
- Adam Lambert on visiting his childhood theater place.